Blogger Siblings at Work


Note: Originally posted in my other blog, Trips and Travels.

food bloggers
My brother Iman and I took turns taking photos of our Japanese food at Kimono Ken at the MOA. Oh my, I miss sushi! Look at my daughter Dindin. She’s practicing with the chopsticks! hehe

Last week, we were in Manila for a business trip and our party (hubby, daughter, and I) stayed at my brother Iman’s place somewhere in Taguig.

And of course, after the purpose of our trip, we went around malling and eating! Our friend Pepay treated us for lunch at the Kimono Ken Japanese Resto at the MOA and before we could dig in, Iman and I had to take pictures, naturally. Pepay captured us at work in this “epic” photo. haha I am using my brother’s expression already after a week of being with him. I dunno, he has been using the word “epic” a lot lately. haha

By the way, notice that my daughter Dindin is trying her best to eat with chopsticks. And she was doing it with fried rice. hahaha Not bad for a beginner.

That was a really lovely, filling lunch for all of us. We all loved Japanese food and they really serve it well at Kimono Ken. How I wish that we have them here in Bacolod, too. πŸ˜€ Now, I am drooling as I am writing this. haha Hubby and I just so love Japanese food. I am not sure if we will ever get tired of eating this cuisine, even if we eat sushi and sashimi every single day! Wow, if we would have a sponsor restaurant, I would really volunteer to eat Japanese food for an entire month!

And last but not the least, thank you Tita Pepay for the treat! πŸ˜€

Note: Thanks Tita Pepay for taking us out to lunch! πŸ˜€

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