designer christmas trees

Marq Herrera and Leee Atas: Professional Christmas Tree Trimmers of Bacolod


The Art of Trimming the Christmas Tree

designer Christmas trees
A couple of designer Christmas trees that Marq Herrera and Leee Atas of Bacolod City have trimmed.

While our family enjoys decorating our little tree at the start of December each year, there are families who are too busy or just have such elaborate Christmas trees that they would need the help of creative professionals to do it.

under the sea Christmas tree
An under-the-sea themed Christmas tree.

And here in Bacolod City, such is the work of local artists Marq Herrera and Leee Atas. Marq, now 36, has given Christmas tree decorating services to many prominent Bacolod families for the last 18 years, which literally translates to half of his life. Leee, 34, joined him in this venture a little while later and this partnership has been going on for 13 years now.

designer Christmas trees
A huge Christmas tree!

As early as October, the two are already busy preparing for the holiday season, accepting bookings, consulting with clients on what they want, brainstorming for designs, and most especially, the shopping of ornaments and accessories. Sometimes they do the purchasing for their clients, sometimes the duo accompany them while shopping. Arrangements are flexible, whatever will please their clients but they also give consultations on what will look best.

designer Christmas tree
Leee is all serious while working on a tree.

This year, aside from residences, Marq and Lee also did the elegant tree at Sugarland Hotel and at the Hi-Strip area. But Marq says that most of their clients are homeowners–families who enjoy having big and lovely Christmas trees in their homes. So far, the tallest that they did was 13 feet.

Christmas village
Breathtaking if I may say so–Christmas village arrangement by Marq and Lee.
Christmas village
An elaborate Christmas village that Marq and Leee set up this year.
Christmas village
Cute Christmas village–for sure, that village is going to grow!

Aside from the installation and decorating of Christmas trees, Marq and Leee also set up Christmas villages or install decors to make the living room like a Christmas wonderland.

Now that Christmas is coming in a few days, Marq and Leee are already relaxed, doing other creative and art-related stuff. Their work is done.

Marq Herrera and Leee Atas
Partners Marq Herrera and Leee Atas at rest.

If you are interested in their creative services for your home or office, leave them a message at The Green Man Foliage Facebook page.

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