family travel bag

family travel bag first aid kit



Family Travel Bag Health Essentials

YOLO is a very common acronym nowadays. And a lot of it refer to travel. But are you ready to go?

Healthy travel tips
Healthy travel tips — pack your supplements and first aid kit for a most enjoyable trip.

Social media has influenced us so much with regards to travel. It has opened us to new scenes, sounds, and flavors because of what other people share. Whether these destinations are international, around the country, or just neighboring cities, we are encouraged to pack our bags and explore.

Plus now, we are also encouraged all the more to go out of the country or hop between our islands because of discounted fares from airlines.

Health While Traveling

But travelling does not just entail budget. Our well being is very much top priority because we could not really enjoy our trip if we are sick. It would be worse if you need to go home because of an emergency. In our Holy Week Getaway in Dakak Beach Resort last year, I had to endure terrible pain that made our family skip a very nice opportunity.

For our Dakak trip, our family flew in to Dapitan from Manila. But the day before, we spent the whole day at the Mall of Asia, from around 11am to 8pm. Then we had to brave traffic and slept late in order to pack for our trip the next day. When we got to Dakak, I was so weary and the uphill climb in between restaurant, the reception, and our room had its toll on my back. I was limping already and couldn’t stand straight.

Because of my backache, we had to miss the night visit to Fantasy Island, which was a perk of our accommodations at Daka Beack Resort. If we weren’t billeted at Dakak, the entrance to Fantasy Island is P1,500 per person. I felt so bad that my husband and our toddler had to miss it because of me. That is why it is very important to keep ourselves in tip top shape for our dream trip.

Dakak Beach Resort
Our family in Dakak Beach Resort last Holy Week.


First Aid Kit

Aside from being in good shape, it is imperative that we bring a first aid kit as well as your supplements to keep you well your entire trip. Thankfully, United Home has a line of health and wellness products for all our travel needs! For my husband and I, our pill bag always contains Conzace–a very powerful supplement to keep us healthy.

Ceetab Daily (Ascorbic Acid)
Ceetab Daily (Ascorbic Acid) ups your immune system against common ailments.

And then, of course, there’s United Home Ceetab (Ascorbic Acid), which helps promote immunity against sickness. Since we like food trips a lot, it is important to keep our tummies in good condition and if there’s any discomfort, we turn to United Home Supracid (Sodium Bicarbonate), which gives relief from hyperacidity and United Home Loperamide (Loperamide), for bouts of diarrhea.

Supracid for hyperaciditiy caused by food trips
Food tripping can sometimes cause hyperacidity, so always have Supracid with you.

For those who have motion sickness like me, don’t forget to pack United Home Dizitab (Meclizine HCl), which provides relief from dizziness and motion sickness. This will especially come in handy for long-haul flights and long road trips across mountainous, zigzag roads.

Lormide (Loperamide)
Don’t let diarrhea hinder you. Always have Lormide (Loperamide) in your bag.

A couple of years ago, our family went to Cebu and we took our car. I was incapacitated the whole travel time, even neglecting my children’s needs, because I was so dizzy! I should have taken Dizitab that time. I would never do that kind of travel again without Dizitab!

And of course, for those who have allergies like us, don’t forget your favorite antihistamines like Cetirizine as well as creams, like Calmoseptine. Itchiness can really damper your mood for adventure. Take it from me.

Dizitab (Mecliczine HCl)
Dizitab (Mecliczine HCl) is good for those who suffer motion sickness like me.

United Home Products

United Home offers us quality-proven products from Unilab at affordable prices. So you need not worry about stocking up your medicine kit–it is still easy on the budget. Check out the prices below:

United Home ProductSRP per piece (Php)

So the next time you go traveling even in just nearby places or abroad, bring the medicines and supplements you need so that nothing will stop you from enjoying. Have a safe and happy trip! 😀

3 thoughts on “Pack Your Family TRAVEL BAG with HEALTH ESSENTIALS

  1. I agree that medicines should be part of our travel kits. What surprised me was their prices. am just so happy to know that high-quality vitamins and medicines at affordable prices are now available in the market. So, thank you Unilab. 🙂

  2. Wow..these sure comes in handy and the prices are light in the pocket,too. Thanks for the info about these Unilab products. 👍

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