What’s for breakfast?

Coffee is a big part of our mornings, our usual perk-me-upper to get us started for the day. It is and always has been an important part of our breakfast–the most important meal of the day.
We normally have brewed coffee in the house because my husband likes his coffee that way. But for those times when we are in a hurry, we do resort to 3in1 coffee packs for convenience. Taste and aroma are important to us when it comes to coffee, and one such instant coffee that made an impact on me is Maskape 3in1 Coffee.
I am not sure where I first tried Maskape 3in1 Coffee. The Strong and Rich variant (red pack) was served to me and I really tried to remember the brand because I liked it and I wanted to look for it in the supermarket. Sadly at that time, it’s not available at the supermarket I frequent and I didn’t know where to buy it. Thankfully, I now know that they are readily available everywhere.
Read: Metro Hypermart — Pinaka Barato nga Grocery sa Bacolod
I really like Maskape, especially the Brown and Creamy and the Strong and Rich variants. And I am happy to know that there are five (5) variants to this brand and I got to try them all. I don’t really drink a lot of coffee as compared to my husband. Most of the time, I just use half of the pack and mix it with half a cup of hot water and that’s enough for me. But I can’t stand Barako Gold–it’s too strong for me.

Maskape 3in1 Coffee
Maskape 3in1 Coffee is made from the Robusta coffee bean family, which is known to be low in acidity and high in bitterness. It is primarily used in instant coffee, espresso, and as fillers in ground coffee beans. Robusta has almost double the amount of caffeine and more antioxidants than other kinds.
While the robusta coffee beans are imported, Maskape 3in1 Coffee is locally manufactured by Mighty And Strong (MAS) Foods Corporation. Maskape 3in1 Coffee has 5 variants, namely Original, Strong and Rich, White and Creamy, Barako Gold, and Brown and Creamy.

Maskape 3in1 Coffee is available in major supermarkets nationwide as well as in all 7-Eleven stores.
Maskape 3in1 Prices
SRP: P5.00
7-Eleven Selling Price: P10.oo for TwinPack