Live Life to the Fullest Wellness Seminar with Dr. Albert Jo

Live Life to the Fullest Wellness seminar by Dr. Albert Jo at May’s Organic Garden.

Wellness enthusiasts, educators, and nutritionists, clear up you schedule on August 31, 2015 as acclaimed wellness guru, Dr. Albert Jo, is going to hold a one-day health seminar at the May’s Organic Garden and Restaurant, in Sitio Aning, Pahanocoy, Bacolod City. The event will start from 8am and end around 4pm.

The event is organized by the JCI Bacolod Inc in cooperation with Mays Organic Garden, also a proponent of healthy living. Learning fee is only P500 per participant and will cover organic meals (breakfast, lunch, and afternoon snacks) courtesy of May’s Organic Garden and Restaurant, a seminar kit, and a certificate of participation. Participants will also be given the chance to tour the entire organic farm after the talk.

Dr. Albert Jo in action at the Rapha Valley Place of Wellness in Don Salvador Benedicto.

Dr. Jo will cover two topics for his talk. In the morning, he will speak about, “Your Food is your Medicine.” In the afternoon, he will give audience some “Multiple tips on total wellness.”

The proceeds of the event will benefit the feeding programs at RT Dulao National High School and Vidal Cauntoy Elementary School, both in Bago City, which are the adopted schools of JCI.

For inquiries and reservations, contact May’s Organic Garden c/o Aljon at 0925-8759213 or through Haniemar at 0942-0954038.

Dr. Albert Jo.

About Dr. Albert Jo
Dr. Albert Arguelles Jo finished his degree in Medicine from the Virgen Milagrosa University in San Carlos City, Pangasinan. He had served as a physician in the Manapla Rural Health Unit in the past. He studied further on the subject of Health and Wellness at the Jordan Rubin Health Institute in Kentucky, USA. At present he owns and runs the famed Rapha Valley Place of Wellness in Don Salvador Benedicto. He is also the president of the Negros Island Certification Board (for Organic Farms) and a member of the Board for the Negros Island Sustainable Agriculture on Rural Development (NISARD).

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