WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip

WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip

WaterWorld Iloilo Family Trip


WaterWorld Iloilo — Biggest Water Park in Western Visayas

Waterworld Iloilo is the first and only water park in Iloilo City, Western Visayas, Philippines to date. Great swimming fun and thrilling water rides await guests.
WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
Our family at the indoor water attractions of WaterWorld Iloilo.
During our family’s recent trip to Iloilo City, Western Visayas, Philippines, we made sure that we included WaterWorld Iloilo in our itinerary.
We went to the water park around 2pm. It was quite a long drive from where we were staying, which was Richmonde Hotel in Mandurriao, Iloilo City.
We took the cab and the trip still took a little more than 30 minutes, as WaterWorld Iloilo is located in a residential area.

About WaterWorld Iloilo

WaterWorld Iloilo is located inside the two-hectare property of Eon Centennial Resort Hotel and Water Park in Alta Tierra Village, Jaro, Iloilo City. Spanning 1.5 hectares, Waterworld Iloilo boasts of different water rides and attractions that appeal to both young and young at heart.
WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
One of the tall slides at WaterWorld Iloilo. You gotta climb about four storeys high, ride a lifesaver and slide down. That’s my husband and eldest daughter sliding down. My husband is heavier so his weight is pulling them down fast. hahaha The second daughter chickened out in this ride.
The resort also provides two electronic service vehicles to its guests the convenience in going to the park from Alta Tierra Village entrance gate.

For Mermaids

Needless to say, WaterWorld Iloilo is for mermaids. You know what I mean, right? I didn’t know that you could have so many attractions that include water. I don’t know the exacts names of the sections and rides but there are thrilling rides, gentle rides, and areas where children can splash around.
WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
This is one of the “gentler” rides.
For someone like me who is allergic to sun exposure, I am happy that a lot of the water attractions are under a big roof. I had the choice to stay indoors to avoid a sun rash. However, since I have two kids and would also like to take photos of them, I ended up going around the resort. Even though I applied sunblock, I still ended up with rashes in some areas that I missed. Boo.
WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
This wave cruise goes all around the park, including the indoor areas.

Really Young Kids

While WaterWorld Iloilo has a lot of exciting stuff to offer, some young kids will find it boring afterwards. Our daughters had fun for the first hour and a half but eventually got bored. I am not sure what they are really looking for, maybe it’s because they are too young to enjoy some of the rides.

WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
This is one part of the indoor area. My husband and daughter are waiting for that bucket above them to filled up so that with the force of the water, the pail will eventually pour everything on them.

So if your child is still young and is not really the “mermaid” type, then it might not be a good idea to intentionally travel with your family to come here, like if you come from Bacolod City. It was just good that we were already in Iloilo when we decided to check it out. If ever, consider going to WaterWorld Iloilo as just a side trip.

WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
I really appreciate this massive indoor area of WaterWorld Iloilo because I can’t stand the sun exposure.

The Disadvantage

I think one of the disadvantage of WaterWorld Iloilo is not having cottages for rent and allowing people to bring in picnic food. Filipinos usually associate swimming outings to a picnic where they can rent a cottage, leave their stuff, and rest when they are not in the water.

WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
Lockers for rent at WaterWorld Iloilo.

You cannot do that at WaterWorld Iloilo. You will have to eat in their cafeteria and buy your food from among their concessionaires. As for your stuff, you have to rent a locker (rent refunded by the end of your visit) and leave your stuff there. It was quite annoying to keep going back to our locker whenever our kids needed something.

But if you really want to rest, they have air conditioned rooms that you can rent. But you still can’t bring in outside food. This kinda sucks for us because I brought my kids’ preferred food, which are just biscuits, actually. And even these are not allowed. Even water.

WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
Air conditioned rooms at WaterWorld Iloilo.

Well, it’s their business, but I just think that customers should be allowed some choices, too. Or even if they won’t allow meals or cooking inside the resort, at least, they will allow kids’ snacks and water. Just a suggestion.

WaterWorld Iloilo Fees

Entrance fees to WaterWorld Iloilo varies per season. During our visit, it was only P350. It might be more expensive during the summer, so it is best to check their FB page for updates. Link found below.
WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
The area where young kids can splash around. Look how shallow this part it. The water only reaches to my eldest daughter’s knees. I wonder where the little one was when I took this picture. haha

Room for Improvement

My only complaint at the WaterWorld Iloilo is the rest rooms and shower areas. For a water park that’s promoted as being upscale and awarded, I think they can provide a rest room for dry people as well as shower rooms with better amenities. The shower rooms are common, with no divisions. And the worse thing is that the main door of the restroom goes straight to the shower area and the door is always open! Meaning, you cannot wash yourself properly because it would be awkward to take off your swimsuits while taking a shower.

Furthermore, there were no soap racks and hooks provided. The ladies had to put all their toiletries on the floor where everyone’s bath water is flooding. Ugh. Honestly. After you shower, you go to the changing rooms with limited provisions for hanging your stuff. If I remember it right, I think there was only one hook inside the cubicle.

The floor is wet and there were no counters to place your bags. So I remember hanging my daughter’s and my stuff on the door and the two walls of the changing room, which means that our stuff are reaching to either sides of the stall I occupied.

It really took me a long time to maneuver myself and the two girls out of there. With all their investments on the water attractions, I wish that WaterWorld Iloilo would also give a little more attention to their showers and toilets. These little annoyances can get to you, especially if we are talking about toilets and baths.

Minor Incident

At the gate, the staff of WaterWorld Iloilo inspected our bags. They checked my little girls’ backpack and saw water and some snacks. They said to remove them, so I complied. While I was on the process of removing the items, they went onto my bag, which I opened for them to check. They saw an unopened pack of tarts and the second lady (who was not handling my bag) told the inspector with a raised voice in the dialect, “Indi na pwde ho. Kwa-a na! Kwa-a na! (That’s not allowed. Get it! Get it!”)

At that moment, I felt like the horns of my head stood up, as I felt like a criminal caught carrying contraband. I raised my voice as well with as much authority I can muster, “Indi pag tanduga bag ko. Ako na ma kwa! (Do not touch what’s inside my bag. I will be the one to get it.”

Note: This incident, however, could be isolated and I believe is not reflective of the owners and management of WaterWorld Iloilo. I would not take this against the resort. I have to give them some leeway, as they were pretty new at that time.

Great Place for the Summer

All in all, WaterWorld Iloilo is a great place to splash for the summer. It’s lovely for an outing with the entire family or with your friends. The rides are safe and they have many life guards on stand by around the resort.

WaterWorld Iloilo - Philippine water park - family trip
WaterWorld Iloilo is loccated in Jaro, Iloilo City.

Visit WaterWorld Iloilo

WaterWorld Iloilo
Alta Tierra Village, Jaro, Iloilo City, Philippines
FB page: WaterWorldIloilo

Find WaterWorld Iloilo on the map.

To Visit Iloilo from Bacolod

You can experience a FerrySafe, FerryFast, and FerryConvenient trip when you travel to Iloilo from Bacolod and vice versa with FastCat. Furthermore, travelers can also visit Iloilo from Manila, with daily trips from Philtranco. Passengers may also op to take a FastCat Ferry from Bacolod to Manila. Trip takes about 1.5 hours.

If you’re interested with Iloilo pasalubong, bring home some Roberto’s Siopao. They are located at J.M. Basa Street, Iloilo City.

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20 thoughts on “WaterWorld Iloilo Family Trip

  1. This looks like so much fun for the whole family at WaterWorld Iloilo! But now I know not to sneak anything in 😉

  2. Aaaw it sounds like you all had a great trip to WaterWorld Iloilo! My mum has to be careful with sun exposure as well due to previous cancer treatment so it’s always great to see covered places to go!

  3. WaterWorld Iloilo looks like such a fun place! I’ve visited Iloilo a few times when I lived in Manila but it’s been decades. I bet I won’t even recognize it.

    1. So yeah, Iloilo is soooo different now. They have so many developments around the province, not just the city proper. Even the airport has already been transferred to another town.

  4. It sure looks like a lot of fun especially when you have the kids with you! I love that there are plenty of attractions for families to try. Definitely a lovely place!

  5. Water parks are best place to spend some family time with children’s . I used to go with my mum and day when I was a kid and never wanted to go back home .It was so much fun .

  6. I haven’t been to a water park in absolute ages but this has really given me a yearning. This looks like so much fun regardless of whether you’re a kid or an adult x

  7. Aha well considering that I am a part time mermaid and unicorn at weekends I am most definitely up for a trip to Waterworld Iloilo, when can I sign up? I like that it is somewhere that all the family can enjoy and just have an absolute blast!

  8. Perfect family spot to spend your holidays. Children will definitely love this as Waterworld is filled with fun, adventure, and excitement. I too like to play in the water!

  9. I adore water parks, and this looks like such a great one. So much fun! I’m glad you got to go with your family. 🙂

  10. I haven’t been to a waterpark for years, but can remember how much fun they are as a family. This park seems pretty strict, especially on the food issue. Thanks for such a detailed review 🙂

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