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BDO Remit helps out stranded OFWs at the Macau International Airport by giving them face masks and hygiene kits.

BDO Remit Gives Face Masks to OFWs in Macau


Many overseas Filipino workers (OFWs) have been displaced and repatriated because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Moreover, many have been stuck in international airports, waiting for their entry back to the Philippines. Recently, BDO Remit gives away face masks and hygiene kits to some OFWs at the Macau International Airport. It’s just one of their efforts to help ease the burden of the pandemic among OFWs.

A Reminder to Stay Safe

We now have caution exhaustion–a new term about getting sick and tired in staying safe.

But this is the new normal–the new world order that we are living in. So we cannot do anything about it but be careful when we are out there. In order to survive, we have to go to work and buy our necessities as well.

For OFWs, it’s flying to and from their countries of work from the Philippines. We all need to stay safe so we have to do everything to protect ourselves and our loved ones from the virus.

BDO Remit Gives Out Reminders to OFWs

BDO Remit is the remittance service brand of BDO Unibank and they have always been thankful for the contribution of OFWs to the country.

In coordination with government agencies, the staff braved the pandemic to help distribute health kits to overseas Filipinos.

BDO Remit gives out face masks and health kits in order to remind our OFW kababayans about staying safe amidst the continuing COVID-19 scare. It is also a small token of appreciation for what they do for their families as well as the Philippines.

BDO Remit, the remittance service brand of BDO Unibank, OFWs, OWWA, Covid-19, Covid-19 pandemic, new normal, hygiene kits, health kits, face masks, Macau International Airport, BDO remit gives, Philippines, remittances
~ The BDO Remit team in Iloilo, ready to give out hygiene kits. ~

BDO Remit’s pre-departure orientation seminar team (left) provided hygiene kits to more than a hundred repatriated seafarers in Iloilo. This was done in cooperation with the Overseas Workers Welfare Administration (OWWA) Region 6 office.

On the other hand, the BDO Remit gives face masks to stranded and repatriated overseas Filipinos at the Macau International Airport. The group worked with the OWWA, the Philippine Overseas Labor & Office, and the Philippine General Consulate office.

BDO Remit, the remittance service brand of BDO Unibank, OFWs, OWWA, Covid-19, Covid-19 pandemic, new normal, hygiene kits, health kits, face masks, Macau International Airport, BDO remit gives, Philippines, remittances
~ Distribution of face masks at the Macau International Airpot by BDO Remit staff. ~

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